I am showing the image of the titles of my recent 5 blog posts on my GitHub home page automatically. I did it using the Azure Function, Azure is Love, right?Read More →

Create and connect our Teams application with Vuejs, a new Azure Web App, Create Build and Release pipeline for our Vuejs application and then install Tab App.Read More →

Do you know that we can always develop our own web apps and integrate the same to our Microsoft Teams? That is exactly what we are going to do in this blog.Read More →

I hope you are all keeping safe in these unprecedented times. That’s the number one priority for all of us to protect ourselves and close family, friends, and employees. None of us anticipated the changes that we are going through at the moment with COVID-19. Every business is forced to rethink their strategies and adapt to conditions no one has experienced before. For the past few weeks, we were closely monitoring the situation and thinking deeply about the INTEGRATE 2023 plans. Until the mid of March, our response was, “things will be normal by June”, “90 days is a long time for this to last”Read More →

SOME PEOPLE DO HAVE MORE THAN 24 HOURS A DAY 24+ Hours How I find time to write blogs and for my hobbies The myth about having more than 24 hours a day is revealed. Here in this blog, I will answer the most asked question, “how do you find time to do this?” I am a Software Engineer by profession and a writer by passion. And I work with new technologies in my work and it requires a lot of learnings, and failures, but in the end making it a success is what matters right. But even in my busy days, I usually findRead More →